Monday, July 19, 2010
Time on my hands?
For the first time for many years I find myself with time on my hands. The reason for this is because I am recovering after having an operation. I'm not a very good patient and sitting still is not a thing I'm very good at. I was over due for this opp as its never the right time. First Christmas, Valentines day then mothering Sunday. When there is only two people in a busy shop its hard to get time off and with they way things are at present you have to take on the work when its there. The surgeons secretary was very patient and we managed to find a suitable date. And how things have moved on. Robert's mum was in hospital for a week and off work for weeks. I was out next day key hole surgery, dissoluble stitches, only need three weeks of work and don't even need to see anybody for a check up. The one thing I believe is vital is no driving for two weeks and having been driven home the feeling you have is really strange.
There is a plus side to this time off. Its been a few years since I have been able to go to the Keswick convention in the Lake district. A gathering of approx 5thousand Christians from all denomination with inspirational speakers from all over the world, great worship and fellowship. (all we need is good weather it can rain in the lakes). My Friend Jenny has gone for many years with her family and there is room for me, no need to drive, cook and will no doubt be well looked after, how lucky am I.Scampi cant understand why I'm not taking her for a long walk but I think Tips glad, these days she is glad just to walk round the outside of the house she is getting very frail.
Scampi is just the right size my beautiful Hannah to control. Here they sitting on the butter cross in the village.
Posted by Bob :: 4:05 pm :: 2 Comments: ![]()